Friday, December 25, 2009

Winning Commodity Plays in 2010: Market Pros

Holmes expects the next hot trends in the commodities sector to be lithium, uranium and natural gas.

There’s a lot of interest for lithium batteries and I think there’s major car companies and battery companies that are looking for deposits,” he said.
“This time last year the worst performing was lead, and this year lead was one of the best performing commodities—so it’s important to take a look at the bottom and scraping along the bottom, uranium looks attractive."
"And [natural] gas," Holmes added.

In the meantime, Hansen said although there is no reason for investment demand for gold to change, he is in favor of the agricultural commodities.
“I see opportunity in corn, wheat and soybeans because the agricultural commodities have been overlooked this year,” he said.
“So investors have focused on precious metals and energy, but the major agricultural markets which are very important for day to day use have not participated because investors overlooked them. So we may see some improvement in the ag markets which have been overlooked.”